Infants-5th grade

children's ministry

At Atonement, we love our children and are eager to encourage them in their walk with the Lord. 

There are many opportunities for kids to grow not only in their relationship with each other but also with God!

Join us on Sunday morning for Sunday school at 9:00a.m.

We also offer special events throughout the year for children and families.

Upcoming Events...

Sunday School for PreK-5th grade is every Sunday at 9:00am

Club 345-March 2025

Easter Egg Hunt-April 19th

6th-8th graders

middle school ministry

All students in 6th-8th grade are welcome and encouraged to be a part of our Jr. High ministry! Fun and Exciting events, awesome relationships, and time with our AMAZING Lord! Friends are always welcome! Youth nights, open gym, lock-ins, youth gatherings, mission trips, and Bible studies are just some of the things you will be doing!

Upcoming Events:-

Youth Night/Open Gym-February 16

9TH-12th graders

High school Ministry

Whether you are an incoming freshmen or graduating senior, there is a place for you here! All High School students, 9th-12th grade, are welcome and encouraged to get involved! Weekly Bible Studies, Monthly events, lock-ins, National Youth Gatherings, and Mission Trips are just SOME of the highlights of our high school ministry here at Atonement. Friends are ALWAYS welcome!!

Upcoming Events:

Youth Night/Open Gym-February 16

NYG Registration-STILL OPEN

Worship & Music Ministry

Make a joyful noise until the Lord! 

There are lots of ways to get involved with our music ministry at Atonement!

Contact Mr. Evan Arceneaux, Music Director.

Check out all the ways you can serve!

Adult Choir-

The adult choir meets on Thursdays at 8:15 p.m. in the music room for several weeks leading up to special festival days in the church year. They sing for services during the Christmas, Lenten, and Easter seasons. 

Adult Handbells-

The adult handbells meet on Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. in the music room for several weeks leading up to special festival days in the church year. They play for services during the Christmas, Lenten, and Easter seasons. 

River of Praise-

River of Praise is our contemporary praise band. They meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the music room. These rehearsals are year-round except for a break during the summer. They lead 10:30 worship twice a month.  If you are interested in being part of the band, or part of the singing crew, let us know!

Worship Teams-

If you are looking for an exciting way to be involved with worship at Atonement, join the worship team!! There are several areas for you to become involved:

-worship assistant

-communion assistant


-audio / visual

-altar care

-children's message (10:30 service)

-acolyte (6th-8th graders)

-usher (consider your entire family forming its own team!)

Contact Rose in church office to sign up! 

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Club meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the GYM Kitchen. 

Come out and enjoy a free dinner and be a part of the planning of events. 

Some events include:

Easter Breakfast

Back To School Fish Fry

Seafood Fest